My guest this week is San Francisco Songstress Nina Grae! This singer songwriter pours her heart out to reveal not only her grit for taking charge of her dreams and talents by leaving the Corporate scene to be a musician, but also her courage to express her searing and soulful truth.
Nina came from a successful Marketing career, but as she followed her passion to study with the world's great Teachers, she soon grew tired of the marketing world's methods and messages of portraying people as broken in need of fixing.
As a recording artist she is committed to creating music with conscious, love centric message and aspires for her music to be a home and a sanctuary for humanity from duality of the world.
As her story unfolds we learn that her wake up call came the day Steve Jobs died. The legacy of his innovation and contribution to technology had such a profound impact on her, she found herself asking; "Am I making a difference?" The response came as a resounding No! And what she did next was completely most people! But Nina is not most people and that is why I knew I had to interview her, share her story and her voice with you! She shares so much with us about the music industry, her great influencers and sage advice for budding musicians to follow.
Her first release is called The Remedy~ which seems to be in perfect alignment with her mission! Take a listen folks to this interview and enjoy the bonus track at the end when Nina serenades us with a beautiful ballad!