
Live in YOUR Truth Radio

Live in YOUR Truth Radio is a forum where Women share their transformational journey in finding their true self. Live in YOUR Truth guests model how to awaken and live rich, meaningful lives from their core essence and also demonstrate the unique way in which they express that in the world. As a Transformation Leader & Founder of Live in YOUR Truth platform, Melanie Fitzpatrick is the passionate Host of Live in Your Truth Radio Show. She invites you to listen to captivating stories through interviewing style format, that inspire personal discovery, conscious awakening along with practical tools and tips to deepen your personal power through soul centered living! If you want to live with the greatest purpose, passion and joy, you don’t want to miss an episode of Live in YOUR Truth Radio! Subscribe on iTunes and at to receive your 20 minutes of wisdom regularly! If you like what you hear, please share with your friends and leave a review in iTunes! Thank you. About Melanie: She encourages women seeking to live a fuller life, to awaken to a deeper vision for themselves in the safe forum of her Women’s Circles, Retreats, Workshops and private Coaching. E-mail her at
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Live in YOUR Truth Radio is a forum where Women share their transformational journey in finding their true self. Her guests model how to awaken and live rich, meaningful lives from their core essence and also demonstrate the unique way in which they express that in the world.

As a Transformational Leader and Founder of Live in YOUR Truth platform and Live in YOUR Truth Radio Show, Melanie invites you to listen to captivating stories that inspire personal discovery and learn practical tools and tips to deepen your personal power through soul centered living!

If you want to live with the greatest purpose, passion and joy, you don't want to miss an episode of Live in YOUR Truth Radio! Subscribe at to receive your 20 minute downloads of Wisdom regularly. 

Melanie encourages women seeking to live a fuller life, to awaken to a deeper vision for themselves in the sage forum of her Women's Circles, Workshops, and private Coaching.

E-mail her at 

Sep 15, 2016

While on her Olympic journey, Professional Athlete Alicia Malcolm Anderson honored me with an interview about her quest to qualify and compete with Team Jamaica in Beach Volleyball for the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.


At 38 she decided to pursue her Olympic dream and shares what it means to be in pursuit of such an incredible goal at her age and the poignant source of the legacy of her determination.


Qualifying for the Olympics though is paved with challenges; from managing her family in Canada while traveling all around the world, to competing hard to win the qualifying rounds with other Olympic hopefuls, while keeping pace with her considerably younger teammates, who no doubt, have less worldly responsibilities.


It's the stuff that dreams are made of; moving and inspirational!


This is journey of faith and belief is the model I have come to love and share with you in my podcast!


When Alicia and I get down to business with some tough questions, it is her seasoned skill, wisdom and humility that really speak.

On mastery~ "You don't have to be the best -just find your inner champion. It's about meeting the challenge, not being perfect. "    

Please listen in and stay tuned as this story unfolds!





Jun 30, 2016

My next Millennial guest in my new series is Kenya Brading, Co-Founder and creative director of The Woman's Network.


The Woman's Network is a platform that welcomes all women to heal from trauma and unravel their limited beliefs in order to reclaim their sovereignty!


As a filmmaker turned Women's advocate, Kenya believes "that when we heal ourselves as women, we will help heal the world."  


Suffering from grief was her turning point to her own soulful awakening. 


This 25 year old imparts wisdom well beyond her years:

      -Suffering and anxiety can be your gateway to awakening

     - For her Millennial Sisters: search for your validation within

    - Treat your body and sexuality as sacred   

 Listen in to the advice she has for Millennial women that transcends all ages!





Jun 9, 2016

Courtney Sage is my first guest in my new Millennial Series! 

I am excited to bring to you this series of interviews with millennial age women, who I am finding to be enlightened young women! They embody the spirit and depth of the awakened female fearlessly and are ushering in a new movement of feminine change-makers to the world!

While Courtney may be a licensed massage therapist, a lifestyle coach and owner of Birch and Basil Wellness - She is also a Mom of 2 children and self identifies as a rebellious spirit!

She encourages her clients to write their own rules!

As always this truth seeker shares her story about her early trials and how that lead to her own awakening as a young Mom.

Tune in to hear her sage advice to Younger Women yet it's universal appeal is ageless!

You will learn to lean into your bliss, embrace your awakening and let go of what you "should" be.

Listen Here!

May 27, 2016

I have a good one for you this week folks! You are going to love Tina FireWolf's refreshingly unfiltered energy and persona! She is quite the pioneering spirit! As a Middle School Science Educator, Artist, Reiki Master and Sound Healer, she now dedicates herself to facilitating the reconnection to our wise Self,  and to remembering our fire within. She is the most recent author of BENEATH THE CHATTER - the wise self awaits.

She shares her story of growing up feral and how that has influenced her work today.

She reveals her tools for everyday enlightenment with us. This skill set is a must for each of us to deepen into:

1) Respond instead of react to everyday life strife!

2) The only thing you can control is YOU!

3) Train your mind to stay in the present moment.

4) Accept yourself in each moment and allow whatever needs to come up!

She closes with a special treat - A Sound Healing for everyone!  

This beautiful chant will be your 'go to' piece for peace over and over again!

May 12, 2016

My Guest this week is Gina Mazza! She is an award winning Journalist, a Marketing & Branding specialist as well as a Partner in Creative One Marketing. 

As a writer and word provocateur, Gina loves helping other writers refine their writing projects as a co-creative effort. Her personal writing focuses on the inextricable link between creativity and higher consciousness.........which is the perfect segway into our interview!

Honestly - we traverse the universe with our conversation, covering all kinds of tempting topics that you will find engaging, revolutionary and awakening! 

Here are a few of our touch points: Creativity. Higher consciousness. Soul-centric enterprises. Essence work. Purpose vs. mission. Storytelling and mythology. Evolutionary pathways. The fourth wave of capitalism. Intuitionists as the new marketing pros.

Here is what we dive into:

  • The Story of her profound awakening and heightened intuitive awareness that informed her book: "Everything matters, nothing matters"
  • The power of storytelling; whether it's collective mythology or a story we tell ourselves; Gina believes "stories have the power to change the course of our evolution." 
  • Shifting the Marketing concept of just 'filling consumer lack' to serving the greater good of humanity, the planet, our evolution! Conscious marketing evolves into the 4th wave of capitalism!  YES!  
  • There is more....So You just gotta listen Here!


May 12, 2016

My Guest this week is Gina Mazza! She is an award winning Journalist, a Marketing & Branding specialist as well as a Partner in Creative One Marketing. 

As a writer and word provocateur, Gina loves helping other writers refine their writing projects as a co-creative effort. Her personal writing focuses on the inextricable link between creativity and higher consciousness.........which is the perfect segway into our interview!

Honestly - we traverse the universe with our conversation, covering all kinds of tempting topics that you will find engaging, revolutionary and awakening! 

Here are a few of our touch points: Creativity. Higher consciousness. Soul-centric enterprises. Essence work. Purpose vs. mission. Storytelling and mythology. Evolutionary pathways. The fourth wave of capitalism. Intuitionists as the new marketing pros.

Here is what we dive into:

  • The Story of her profound awakening and heightened intuitive awareness that informed her book: "Everything matters, nothing matters"
  • The power of storytelling; whether it's collective mythology or a story we tell ourselves; Gina believes "stories have the power to change the course of our evolution." 
  • Shifting the Marketing concept of just 'filling consumer lack' to serving the greater good of humanity, the planet, our evolution! Conscious marketing evolves into the 4th wave of capitalism!  YES!  
  • There is more....So You just gotta listen Here!


Apr 21, 2016

Feng Shui Expert, Yvonne Phillips is my super fun guest this week! She is a Color and Design Consultant, Business Coach and author of Feng Shui; ABC Project for a weekend.

As a 20 year veteran, she is a veritable font of knowledge and inspiration on how to live in total harmony within one's environment; in both the workplace and home, in order to create health, wealth, wellness, creativity and happiness!


She shares with us how Feng Shui goes beyond decorating our homes and how it can enhance our daily life AND create client attraction and prosperity in our business!

But it really gets juicy when we talk about 2016 being  the                                           YEAR OF THE FIRE MONKEY!  


You don't want to miss this Interview because it's been 60 years since we've had a Fire Monkey year and when that occurred back in 1956 - some Big Energy things happened:

The United States was testing the H Bomb

IBM created the Hard Drive

Castro Invaded Cuba

Yvonne shares 13 Tips on how to position yourself in 2016 in order to channel your energy for wellbeing and prosperity in this Big Energy Year!

Listen here to find out what's in store for YOU!


Apr 11, 2016

My Guest this Week, Executive level Business Coach, Katy Hansell offers kick-Ass business acumen and leadership strategy for the C-Suite Executive and the career Mom who are both looking for similar things as it turns out....validation, respect and to be adored!  With her extensive business background as a Management Strategy Consultant and current full-time status as a Mom /Entrepreneur; Katy has the chops to get real with us and does! So be ready to take notes and make changes to your career!  

                This powerful TEDx speaker doesn't mince words!

Her own powerful story unfolds in 3 acts with an epilogue that plays out in such a familiar yet poignant way that, You won't want to miss it!


Katy offers full disclosure on:

1) How Women can become indispensable in the workplace and reveals the way in!
2) The secret Men know to career advancement; that C-Suite Women need to learn!

3) How Mom Entrepreneurs can thrive with a Freedom Hacker lifestyle business.

Katy's business intel is so intuitive and savvy - she is the perfect Biz Coach for today's Modern Woman! Listen to her NOW!


Mar 13, 2016

Holly Hansen is passionate about Happiness, so much so, she has made it her mission to help people find the sweet spot in their lives! Looking at all facets of life and identifying the key areas that are impacting your joy button; she uses her 4 Key's philosophy to create the transformative shifts needed to open those gates of joyful flow!

"I just want to be happy."

 You've heard people say this, you may have said this yourself on a time or two (or three) in your lifetime! Well, as an  Empowerment Coach & Happiness Expert, Holly assures us, you can be happy, because; 

 "You are in control of your happiness!" 

In our convivial conversation Holly shares her unique story to finding her "keys" to happiness and shares them with us! 

She has helped countless people find their happiness with her signature tool;


               She recommends you visit these 4 rooms everyday for achieving balance and whole hearted living!

Listen here to find out what these 4 rooms are and how you can take control of your happiness today!

Mar 1, 2016

Meet Janelle Saar, Founder of In Power Sisterhood.

An organization that unconditionally supports awakening women with their personal transformation and spiritual evolution.

Janelle is an intrepid seeker and supporter of enlightenment!

As a former Pilot, Flight instructor, leader in the Aviation Industry and a certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt; She was on a rapid career ascent only to be rerouted when she answered the call to awaken and remember why she is really here!  

In keeping with living her Divine Assignment; To nudge other Women to awaken and live in their passion, power and purpose!

 She asks: Does your life seem ideal on the outside, yet you are struggling on the inside?  She struggled with owning her own power too and shares how she overcame that! 


Listen to her powerful stories to learn how:

  • You can use your Superpowers to create magical shifts in the moment!
    Be a catalyst for good and positively impact others by your choices alone.
    To remain hopeful in a world of unrest and violence.


You will love her clarity and strength and the unconditional encouragement she gives us all!

She is a big dose of positivity ~ something we all need!


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