This week's featured guest is Sora Surya No! Sora is an Intuitive Coach, Women's Circle Mentor, International Retreat Leader and Fire Igniter!
As she holds Radiant Women's Circle Intensives around the world, she is bringing the ancient feminine ways back to the modern Women to use in everyday life!
Inspiring a life that is wild, free and calm!
In our one on one chat Sora shares her quest for self healing and the keys to finding her truth and how she answered her unique calling by trusting her intuition every step of the way!
She Teaches us:
Listen here to learn how the ancient feminine ways connect us to ourselves and our life!
My guest this week is Lois Shannon Founder of The Woman's Network. Her beautiful vision and mission with the The Woman's Network is to create a vibrant sisterhood of happy, healthy and holy women by which they are supported on their journey of transforming their limited beliefs to know themselves as whole and sacred.
Lois is a dynamic and passionate Thought Leader!
Fasten your seatbelt, grab a mug of tea and your journal, because we are going to take you on a journey through the evolution of Woman! We begin by reflecting on our own personal history and experience of what it was like to be a woman during the last 20 years of the 20th century, and explore the flourishing terrain and possibilities of being a Woman of the 21st century!
Here is what we touch down on:
Our 20th century life....
A history of disconnect with ourselves, our bodies, our needs
Social conditioning: What it meant to be a woman operating in a masculine paradigm
Epigenetics~ the transfer of trauma
The 21st Century possibilities....
The awakening woman comes back to herself and body to live a consciously directed path
She is Reclaiming and integrating those lost parts of self, her history; to become whole
Owning our worth and claiming our spot individually and collectively as woman
So please give yourself more than 20 minutes for this download of enlightened conversation!
Enjoy, share and subscribe to Live in YOUR Truth Radio at
Jennifer Urezzio is my guest this week!
She is a Master Intuitive, Teacher and author of Soul Language ~ Consciously connecting with your Soul for Success!
Jennifer specializes in helping people connect to themselves, each other and to the divine.
In this enlightening conversation you will learn about the 3 core languages or energies of your soul and how they influence our life.
She takes us through a powerful and revealing exercise that connects us to our soul to experience a deeper level of faith and trust in our self! And, while we are in this place of peace and contentment we learn what our Soul wants us to know! You gotta experience this!
She also teaches us how to gain clarity in discerning the voice of intuition from the voice of our EGO!
Helping us to make powerfully aligned choices everyday!
You have to Listen to find out how!
My Guest is Dr. Nancy Mramor Kajuth PHD Psychologist and Media Expert! She is the recent author of "Get Reel" Produce your own life.
In my interview with Dr. Nancy, she shares with my listeners:
Tune in for her riveting stories and examples of how we are all shaped by Movies and TV and how we really can direct Media influences to;
consciously "produce our own lives" and live in YOUR truth!
My Guest Beth Caldwell, Professional Speaker and Founder of Pittsburgh Professional Women and Leadership Academy for Women. She is a prolific writer and has written 5 books on business and personal empowerment.
In this candid interview, Beth shares her secret on finding your purpose and how You can be a successful entrepreneur while staying True to yourself and business. As a 2015 Pennsylvania Woman of Courage Award Winner~ she would know!
Take a listen and some notes. You are going to enjoy her energy and wisdom!
My guest this week is the amazing Sahar Paz! She is a powerful Change master, Speaker and newly published Author of FIND YOUR VOICE: The Life You Crave is A Conversation Away.
A native of Iran, Sahar was labeled "bomb keeper" and "terrorist" by her classmates at age 9. Her journey fleeing war torn Iran in the mid 1980's to the U.S. to find success, only to have it slip away through multiple suicide attempts. You won't want to miss this interview as Sahar shares her breakthrough journey to find her voice and purpose.