My Guest this week is Emmy Award winning TV personality, former NBC News Anchor, author, speaker and Business Coach Darieth Chisolm.
Darieth joins me today to share her traumatic and painful story of being a cyber harassment victim turned advocate and now founder of 50 Shades of Silenc: A Global Movement giving voice and dignity to victims of Cyber harassment and online crimes.
Imagine waking up one morning to find nude photos and videos of you online. Images that you weren't aware existed and certainly did not approve of and you have no control of removing. The person who committed this atrocious act, you once lived with and loved. And is now trying to humiliate you and destroy your reputation.
Turns out there is no legislation that can prevent this from occurring to you nor ensure that the pictures are removed!
This act commonly referred to as cyber revenge porn, to Darieth, it felt more like an act of cyber rape. "It still leaves me feeling as if I had been raped, stripped of my identity and dignity."
Spiraling into a place of shame and silence, Darieth gets raw and real with me as she reveals what it was like dwelling in shame and victimhood, the key turning point that enabled her to find her way out and how she confronted this dark place with these insightful question:
Moving forward with courage and conviction you will be astounded to learn what followed: A powerful awakening to her divine assignment!
Listen in to the rest of this story where Darieth shares how her divine assignment unfolded, how you can be supported with resources and how you can get involved as an Angel Ambassador!
Listen here!
My Special Guest is Irene Fehr, she is a Women's Sexuality Coach, a frequent Speaker, Writer and Huffington Post Blogger. She inspires Women to connect with their sensual and sexual pleasure as a source of fuel and nourishment for their soul and wellbeing!
Yeah, we're talking about sex today!
When Irene found herself in a sexless marriage in her early 30's she felt her light went out and subsequently lost her fire for life. With a loss of libido at the core, she felt a distinct disconnect with her partner and body.
The startling reality is this is more common than you think. Women today are so busy that they have de-prioritize themselves while primarily focusing on external elements of their life.
Irene claims that sexless marriages and loss of libido are epidemically common for women between 35 and 45 years of age.
Attributing the loss of libido with self abandonment; there are many cultural implications we need to face: lifestyle, societal messages, career consumption and at the heart, our deprioritization of self!
She unpacks this for us and shares the ways Women need to experience nourishment and have important conversations about wellness for the whole self. We're talking mind, body, spirit!
Here are some recommendations Irene brings to the conversation:
She shares 3 key Self-Care practices for love and intimacy that aide a Woman in getting turned on:
Desire Pleasure Truth
Wow....please don't miss this interview and make sure you share with friends!
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